Rob: Press Conference Report

**Update Celebuzz report added also**
We all waited patiently and were rewarded with the amazing Robert Pattinson, more pics should be coming soon also. The following report is from our twitter friend @taryder, who by far gave us good tweets about Rob, see her comments below, they are in descending order so you will need to start at post 15. and work your way back:
- I was like omg I'm so sorry, he laughed, I asked how he was hanging in there he goes "oh man I'm tired! I'm sort of hanging in I guess"
- As for when I bumped into rob rushing out of bathroom to try to make sure I didn't miss any of his press conference....
- And its a Wrap folks!! Wow I'm tired. And my thimbs hurt
- He also said he's going to try to be less self-deprecating in interviews bc pple are starting to believe it
- I just asked weirdest thing he's read about himself: "that I was pregnant!" Tons of funny bites from him
- Robs laughing bc he can't think of a romantic thing he's done. Says he hasn't serenaded anyone bc it takes a lot of balls lol
- Rob says he can't listen to anyone else which is why he doesn't have a publicist. Do u love this guy or what?
- Rob says he shares being self-righteous with edward as well as being obsessive and posessive...he says in some ways about his privacy
- Rob says its a fact edward would in in fight v jacob. "That's what the books say!"
- What u want me to ask him? Thinking same thing we asked taylor
- Says he's still exactly the same since before fame "which isn't exactly a good thing". Hardly!
- Rob said he's had like 3 days off since Jan 14. "I'm on set all the time!"
- He's gorgeous! Hair perfectly wild, leather jacket and red plaid shirt underneath. @theawful truth agrees w/ me of course
- Said he asked for kristen's advice on how to play edward
- Best for last rob's here- who btw literally just ran into on his way into conference. He's seriously so nice. More on that in a bit
Account per Celebuzz's perspective:
- Robert Pattinson, Control Freak?: Robert Pattinson may seem like the happy-go-lucky type, but make no mistake—when...
- Conference is over! Phew! What a crazy afternoon. :) Did u see our story on Taylor Lautner talking Taylor Swift?
- Robert Pattinson - I’ve got to stop being so self deprecating bc people are starting to believe it. #newmoon
- Recently some magazine reported that I was pregnant, without a hint of irony or anything. I don’t even know what 2 make of that one. -RPattz
- Rob's favorite vampire: I really like Wesley Snipes, I think Wesley Snipes is great (Bladerunner) #rpattz #newmoon #robertpattinson
- Robs most romantic move: I put a rose on a girls locker when I was 15, or maybe I was 14. She thought it was someone else, and he claimed it
- Rob on serending someone: You need to have so much balls to do that, Jesus Christ. #newmoon #rpattz #robertpattinson
- Robert says his heart has never been broken like Edawrd's when he has to leave Bella. #newmoon #robertpattinson #rpattz
- Who is ready for DVD extras? Rob said "There have been loads and loads of the apparition scenes cut out." #newmoon
- On Rob's appearances in New Moon: I was so worried that it was going to be random scenes. #newmoon #robertpattinson #rpattz
- Robert Pattinson connected to New Moon the most out of the Twilight series. #newmoon #robertpattinson #rpattz
- Rob seems very confident answering questions, and his hair is only moderately messy today. :)
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